 Think about the athletes you saw at the Olympics. How do they take care of their health? What are some things you do or eat that they would not?  Most of us watched the Olympic games, we saw the athletes sweat,swim for hours,beat world records and saw the amazing sculpted bodies. As you saw most of the athletes were pretty healthy,but how do they stay healthy despite all the traveling,meeting fans and cold season? 
  To most athletes their body makes their career. If you are out of shape and unhealthy you won't be able to go through training,drills and the routines of a athlete. To keep themselves healthy they have to take many precautions. One of the main things is keeping hydrated and eating the right things. The other thing is constanly working out because if they stop it hurts their body and it messes up their whole system. During cold seasons olypic althetes have to stay well. They usually isolate them selves from the sick and get their shots.

   The amount of calorie consuption is very important for Olympic athletes . They consume from around 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day due to the amount of training they do everyday. However fluid amount differs on the type of olympics,Winter or Summer. In a study conducted by Nanna Meyer, a nutritionist, showed that fluid and calorie consumption was less for Winter Olympic athletes because they sweat less than the Summer Olympic athletes do.
    I don't know about you but what I eat and do is totally different then what an Olympic athlete would do. To begin with I eat about 2,000 calories a day and consume very little sodium unlike professional athletes who eat about on average 5,000 calories and consume a lot of sodium to replenish  the sodium they lost during training. Another thing is that I have a little bit of a sweet tooth and professional athletes probably try to stay as far away as they can from sweets. The amount of exercise I do is nothing compared to an Olympic Athletes. I work out 3-4 times a day for an hour and I have physical education unlike the athletes who train and work out on average 24-36 hours a week. 
    So I must say I am not healthier than an athletes. They go above and beyond to keep their number one possession as healthy as it can be. So do you think you are healthier than a Missy May or a Ryan Lochte? 

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